Unformed notes from getting my Pinebook Pro to work well :) 1. The machine comes with Manjaro on it, which works fine, but it has no full-disk encryption so I'm going to need to reimage it. To do that, I need a microsd card unless I want to risk overwriting the eMMC - but if I do that and screw up, I have no backup plan, so :grimace: 2. The brightness-up/brightness-down keys *appear* (according to xev(1)) to deliver XF86MonBrightness{Up,Down} but actually they don't - instead, they generate acpid events, which you can hook up via /etc/acpi/events. I ended up making two files like: event=video/brightnessup action=/usr/local/bin/backlight +10 and those basically did the job. 3. You can control the backlight via sysfs: /sys/class/backlight/edp-backlight 4. The battery is in sysfs at /sys/class/power_supply/cw2015-battery, but that appears to have less info than upower(1) does - in particular, how does one figure out the remaining charge of the battery? You could work it out from time_to_empty_now (minutes), current_now (microamps?), and charge_full (microamp-hours?). However, you can snag these things out of uevent in that directory, at the price of a bit of parsing. 5. Point 2 was wrong - my actual problem was what I had two separate i3 configs, one at ~/.i3/config and one at ~/.config/i3/config, and I was editing the wrong one. Oops! Instead I could do: bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec backlight +10 bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec backlight -10 using the backlight tool from ~elly/onek, although it's pretty easy to rewrite it for whatever other system's backlight. 6. Getting the ssh pubkey off the system turned out to be a pain in the butt, and I ended up doing: remote$ nc -l -p $PORT > ssh-key local$ nc remote $PORT < .ssh/id_ed25519.pub and then checking the sha256sum at both ends. It's annoying how much of a problem this still is in the year 2021. 7. The `vi` on this system is sad and I keep running it by accident. :(