## My Homedir Layout This doc is a note to myself more than anything else - you probably shouldn't do what I do. I only do it because I've always done it :) /a/$appname: apps /b: individual binaries or symlinks /d: random private data, media I made, etc /d/backups: backup clones of other machines /d/pass: password manager db /e: temporary data created by programs (random bits of state, etc) /i: VM images, chroots, etc /m: media I didn't make /m/b: books /m/i: images /m/m: music /m/p: papers, essays, zines /m/r: roms/ISOs/etc /m/v: videos /p: projects (usually code) /r: runtime stuff (sockets, etc) /s: source that isn't mine /t: temporary data created by hand /v: mount points config files usually end up scattered around ~/.config, or in program-specific directories as usual (like ~/.ssh and so on). Examples: /b/rotate-wallpaper is a shell script that generates and loads a new wallpaper /e/wx is a file containing the current weather where I live, updated by wx-fetch /i/eve is the WINEPREFIX I use for Eve Online in Wine /p/angband is the git clone of Angband I work on /r/stickbug is the socket for the stickbug log daemon /s/umoria4.7 is a clean copy of the umoria4.7 source $#t My Homedir Layout $#s How the subdirectories in my home directory are laid out and why $#o sysadmin $#u b26c34b7-958c-4216-a3b5-ade15a23e52a