/* The Shunting-Yard Algorithm * * As with some of my other blog posts, this one is a valid C89 program, which * you can compile: * cc -x c -o sy post.txt * and run: * ./sy '1 + 2 * ( 3 + 4 )' * * ALGOL was arguably the first programming language with recognizeably modern * syntax, which supported writing mathematical expressions like they would be * usually written, rather than as a sequence of more primitive operations. For * example, for the expression given above: * 1 + 2 * (3 + 4) * an assembly-language implementation might look like: * mov eax, 4 * add eax, 3 * mul eax, 2 * add eax, 1 * and a COBOL-60 implementation (contemporary of ALGOL) would have looked[1], * with a great deal of cruft elided, like: * MOVE 4 TO A * ADD 3 TO A * MULTIPLY 2 BY A [2] * ADD 1 TO A * the structural parallel to assembly is pretty obvious. On the other hand, * that same expression rendered in ALGOL-60 is: * 1 + 2 * (3 + 4) * which expresses a lot more clearly what is going on. * * In order to implement this, ALGOL compilers (then called "translators", since * they conceptually translated ALGOL to machine code) needed to parse these * expressions, while being aware of normal operator precedence. In a modern * compiler with unlimited memory at one's disposal the normal way to do this * is: * * 1. Parse the expression, turning it into an abstract syntax tree * 2. Generate code corresponding to that abstract syntax tree * * The ALGOL compiler, however, operated in an environment where it was not * given that the machine running the compiler even had enough memory to hold * the entire source code at once - never mind any fancy intermediate * structures. As such, it was very desirable to do a direct single-pass * translation straight from source to machine code. * * To do that, Dijkstra developed the so-called "shunting yard algorithm"[3], * which converts an infix expression, including operators with different * precedences and parentheticals, into a sequence of stack instructions, each * of which is either "push this number" or "pop the last n numbers, do some * operation, and push the result". Since these corresponded well with the * capabilities of the present hardware, this technique allowed direct * translation of expressions into machine code. * * The algorithm works as follows: we have an input stream of tokens, which * we'll call "in", an output stream of instructions which we'll call "out", * and an intermediate stack of operators which we'll call "yard" (in the * original paper, Dijkstra calls it the "translator stack" which is a bit * unwieldy). Conceptually, the algorithm works by using the "yard" to store * operators as they are seen, while passing values directly over to the output * stream, and only emitting an operator once a lower-precedence operator is * being processed. An animated view of this process looks somewhat like trains * being reordered in a railyard via shunting - hence the name. * * Below is an implementation of a simple expression evaluator using this * algorithm; it first translates infix expressions into simple instructions, as * the paper does, but then evaluates these instructions directly rather than * emitting them as machine code. * * A handful of caveats about this specific implementation: * * - It does not handle negative integers * - It requires spaces between *all* tokens, so you can write: * "1 + ( 2 * 3 )" * but not: * "1 + (2 * 3)" * this is not a fundamental problem to fix, it would just have complicated * the tokenizer. * - Both the yard and out structures are limited to 512 entries, so this does * not handle big expressions; obviously they could be dynamically allocated * but they are not here for simplicity's sake * - The out stream is implemented as a stack here, even though it is logically * a stream; I didn't want to add a second data structure and lengthen this * example still further * - It returns the result in the exit status, so you do not get many bits of * result; I did not want to depend on stdio to print it properly. * * Onward to the code! */ /* These are used for the type field of the out queue only; the entries in the * yard are all always operators. */ enum { T_OP = 0, T_INT = 1, }; /* A single Entry is a (type, value) pair. */ typedef struct { char type; int val; } Entry; /* ... and a Stack contains up to 512 Entries. */ typedef struct { Entry data[512]; int top; } Stack; /* These are functions for manipulating Entry and Stack, and are not really * relevant to the algorithm, so their implementations are below, after * main(). They are deeply uninteresting. */ Entry makeentry(char type, int val); void initstack(Stack *stack); int isempty(Stack *stack); void push(Stack *stack, Entry e); Entry pop(Stack *stack); Entry peek(Stack *stack); /* These functions duplicate the libc functions atoi() and strsep(), and are * likewise not interesting. They are implemented below. */ int asint(char *token); char *tokenize(char **in); /* Returns whether the supplied token is an operator or not. */ int isop(char *token) { /* This is rather hackish and you would not do this in a real compiler, * but it works well enough here. */ return *token < '0' || *token > '9'; } /* This moves items from the yard to the out queue until it finds a '('; it * is used to ensure that parentheses always group expressions, regardless of * precedence. */ void balance(Stack *out, Stack *yard) { /* If the yard looks like: '(' op0 op1 op2 ... * then after this function, op2 op1 op0 will have been added to * the out queue, and everything up to and including the '(' will have * been removed from the yard. */ while (peek(yard).val != '(') push(out, pop(yard)); pop(yard); } /* In a real compiler this would be a lookup table, and you would also want to * handle associativity of operators, which requires another case in shunt(). */ int precedence(char op) { switch (op) { case '(': return 0; case ')': return 1; case '+': return 9; case '-': return 9; case '*': return 10; case '/': return 10; } } /* This function transfers operators from yard to out until it finds one with * lesser precedence than op, then pushes op into yard. This ensures that yard * is always in non-decreasing priority order. */ void shunt(Stack *out, Stack *yard, char op) { while (precedence(peek(yard).val) >= precedence(op)) push(out, pop(yard)); push(yard, makeentry(T_OP, op)); } /* Do a single step of the shunting-yard algorithm. */ void parseone(Stack *out, Stack *yard, char *intoken) { if (!isop(intoken)) push(out, makeentry(T_INT, asint(intoken))); else if (*intoken == '(') push(yard, makeentry(T_OP, '(')); else if (*intoken == ')') balance(out, yard); else shunt(out, yard, *intoken); } /* Run the shunting-yard algorithm on in, producing a list of operations in * out (for which I've used the Stack type, but logically it is a Queue, I * guess). */ void parse(Stack *out, char *in) { Stack yard; char *t; initstack(&yard); while ((t = tokenize(&in))) parseone(out, &yard, t); while (!isempty(&yard)) push(out, pop(&yard)); } /* A helper function for evaluate(): given an operation and two values, * return the value of that operation as applied to those two values. */ int evalop(char op, int a, int b) { switch (op) { case '+': return a + b; case '-': return a - b; case '*': return a * b; case '/': return a / b; } } /* Given a list of instructions as generated by parse(), evaluate them in order: * T_INT pushes one value to the stack, T_OP pops two, operates on them, and * pushes the result. */ int evaluate(Stack *prog) { Stack vals; int i, a, b; initstack(&vals); for (i = 0; i < prog->top; i++) { Entry e = prog->data[i]; if (e.type == T_INT) { push(&vals, e); } else { /* Note that these are popped "backwards", because * we're getting them from a stack. For example, if we * had: * 3 - 1 * we'd have generated: * T_INT 3, T_INT 1, T_OP - * so here the top of the stack is actually the right * hand side, not the left hand side. */ b = pop(&vals).val; a = pop(&vals).val; push(&vals, makeentry(T_INT, evalop(e.val, a, b))); } } return vals.data[0].val; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Stack prog; initstack(&prog); parse(&prog, argv[1]); return evaluate(&prog); } /* And that's it! If we were emitting output instructions directly rather than * stashing them in an intermediate structure, this would only need memory * proportional to the depth of the most deeply-nested expression, which is what * we in the industry call "pretty darn cool". This kind of idea will crop up * again in the shift-reduce method of parsing, which I'll write about in some * later post. * * You're at the end of the interesting bit - as always, thanks for reading :) */ struct Entry { char type; int val; }; Entry makeentry(char type, int val) { Entry e; e.type = type; e.val = val; return e; } struct Stack { Entry data[512]; int top; }; void initstack(Stack *s) { s->top = 0; } int isempty(Stack *s) { return s->top == 0; } void push(Stack *s, Entry e) { s->data[s->top] = e; s->top++; } Entry pop(Stack *s) { s->top--; return s->data[s->top]; } Entry peek(Stack *s) { return s->data[s->top - 1]; } /* This is more or less the idiomatic way to do this in C. */ int asint(char *token) { int v = 0; while (*token) { v *= 10; v += *token - '0'; token++; } return v; } /* This is basically what strsep(3) does, down to modifying the input string, * but hardcoded to use ' ' as the separator. */ char *tokenize(char **in) { char *p = *in, *s = *in; while (*p && *p != ' ') p++; /* If not at the end of the string, null-terminate the token we found * and step past the null terminator for next time. */ if (*p) { *p = '\0'; p++; } *in = p; /* Obviously this should be NULL, but that comes from stddef.h. */ return s == p ? (void*)0 : s; } /* Footnotes! * [1]: I do not actually know COBOL, and certainly not COBOL-60; I had to read * a COBOL manual to produce this code fragment. I hope you appreciate my * sacrifice. * * [2]: I was agog to learn that it is, in fact, "MULTIPLY 2 BY A" and not the * far more natural "MULTIPLY A BY 2". Presumably this is so that the * grammar always has the out parameter second, as with MOVE and ADD, but * also: yikes. So much for programming in English. * * [3]: The paper I'm referring to throughout is actually "ALGOL Bulletin, * Supplement nr. 10: ALGOL-60 Translation", by E.W. Dijkstra. You can find * it on the internet if you want to read it but it's quite difficult to * decipher and spends a lot of words on things that are not concerns for * modern readers. My copy has sha256sum: * 10ccdbcfa9bc399e72fe25f86f24a37935b6de7762c2b3233b4dccea8e8e66d6 * * $#t The Shunting-Yard Algorithm * $#s An algorithm for doing precedence-aware parsing of mathematical * $#s expressions into a sequence of stack ops in a single pass * $#o c, computer-science, programming * $#u eaaf9aab-46f3-468f-b74c-43257a18e7ff */