; Lambda Calculus ; ; This blog post is a valid Scheme program. You can run it with a Scheme ; interpreter of your choice. ; ; The lambda calculus is a "model" of computation, meaning it is a set of ; rules that, when executed, can compute things for some formal definition ; of computation which I'll skip over here. In its most basic form, the ; lambda calculus has three types of values: ; ; variables ; lambda expressions (function definitions) ; applications (function calls) ; ; Since we're going to implement a lambda calculus interpreter here, we'll ; need a concrete syntax, and since this is Scheme we'll do the following: ; ; * Variables will be symbols ; * Lambdas will be three-element lists: the symbol lam, then the variable, ; then the function body ; * Applications will be three-element lists: the symbol app, then the ; function, then the argument value being supplied. ; ; We'll define some predicates that recognize these three types of value, and ; that recognize values in general: (import (scheme small) ; the base language (srfi 1)) ; the list library, including first/second/third (define var? symbol?) (define (lam? v) (and (list? v) (= (length v) 3) (equal? (first v) 'lam) (var? (second v)) (val? (third v)))) (define lam-arg second) (define lam-body third) (define (app? v) (and (list? v) (= (length v) 3) (equal? (first v) 'app) (val? (second v)) (val? (third v)))) (define app-expr second) (define app-val third) (define (val? v) (or (var? v) (lam? v) (app? v))) ; That having been done, we can easily write expressions out, like this. Note ; that we're quoting these expressions with ' so they won't be treated as ; Scheme code. 'x 'y '(lam x x) '(lam x (lam y x)) '(app (lam x x) (lam x x)) ; That's pretty cool, but right now these are just values. We need to add some ; meaning to them - that is, to give them some semantics. We'll define a ; notion of "reducing" an expression by applying the outermost application, ; if there is one. For example, if we have: ; ; (app (lam x (lam z z)) (lam y y)) ; ; then the outermost application has function: ; ; (lam x (lam z z)) ; ; being applied to argument: ; ; (lam y y) ; ; To reduce this application, we substitute (lam y y) in for everywhere x ; appears as a value in the body of the function, which yields: ; ; (lam z z) ; ; since x doesn't appear anywhere in the body. ; ; However, there's a problem. Suppose that instead, we had this expression, ; which has identical meaning[1]: ; ; (app (lam x (lam x x)) (lam y y)) ; ; If we simply replace every x that is a value in the body with (lam y y), ; we'll get: ; ; (lam x (lam y y)) ; ; which is not the same thing. The problem here is that there are two ; conflicting bindings of x, and the "inner" one should be replacing the ; "outer" one and therefore the inner x in the nested lambda's body should ; not have been replaced. This behavior is called "variable shadowing" or ; "variable hiding" and will probably be familiar from most programming ; languages. ; ; To avoid this type of problem, we can do a process known as "renaming", by ; which we change the name of a specific variable within a lambda expression. ; This is not trivial to do; for example, if we were going to rename x to y ; in: ; ; (lam x (lam x x)) ; ; we should produce (lam y (lam x x)), without renaming the "inner" x. If we ; were to produce (lam y (lam x y)) the meaning of the expression would change, ; and if we were to produce (lam y (lam y y)) (i.e. replace *all* occurences ; of x) then the renaming process wouldn't help us avoid variable conflicts in ; the first place. ; ; This gives us two algorithms we're going to want: renaming and reduction. In ; actual lambda calculus, because of how computer scientists are about greek ; letters, these are called "alpha-renaming" (or "alpha-conversion") and ; "beta-reduction". Notionally, we'll use alpha-renaming to avoid variable ; conflicts while we repeatedly beta-reduce until we can beta-reduce no further. ; ; So, when do we alpha-rename, and what do we rename things to? The answer to ; the latter is obvious: "something not already used", since then it can't ; conflict with an existing variable. As for the former - we can simply rename ; function arguments when we're about to apply those functions, which is easy ; to detect and guarantees correctness. We need to be careful in the process, ; or else we might rename something that doesn't actually refer to the argument, ; but the algorithm to do it looks like this. ; ; This function renames x to n in e: (define (rename e x n) (cond ((var? e) (if (equal? e x) n e)) ((lam? e) (if (equal? (lam-arg e) x) e (list 'lam (lam-arg e) (rename (lam-body e) x n)))) ((app? e) (list 'app (rename (app-expr e) x n) (rename (app-val e) x n))))) ; So we could now do, say: (rename 'x 'y 'z) ; yielding x (rename '(lam x y) 'y 'z) ; yielding (lam x z) (rename '(lam x x) 'x 'z) ; yielding (lam x x) ; As mentioned above, we want to alpha-rename when we're about to apply a ; function, and we want to alpha-rename to a fresh variable, so let's define ; a useful function, which will take a lambda expression and rename its argument ; to a fresh name within its body. First: (define fresh-name (let ((i 0)) (lambda () (set! i (+ i 1)) (string->symbol (string-append "fresh-" (number->string i)))))) (define (rename-arg f) (when (not (lam? f)) (error "rename-arg" f)) (let ((s (fresh-name))) (list 'lam s (rename (lam-body f) (lam-arg f) s)))) ; Alright. Now that we've implemented renaming, there's a few different ways we ; could do beta-reduction. One approach is to rewrite terms by substitution, ; so for example if we were evaluating: ; ; (app (lam x y) z) ; ; we'd go through y, replacing every instance of x with an instance of z. In ; fact, the rename function we have above does exactly this substitution, if ; we relax the restriction that n is a variable name and instead allow for it ; to be any expression. ; ; If we wanted to do that, it'd look like this. This function is a single step ; of the evaluation process: (define (step-subst e) (cond ((var? e) e) ((lam? e) e) ((and (app? e) (lam? (app-expr e))) (rename (lam-body (app-expr e)) (lam-arg (app-expr e)) (app-val e))) ((app? e) ; app without a lambda in the expr slot yet (list 'app (step-subst (app-expr e)) (app-val e))) (else (error "cannot beta-reduce" e)))) ; And now one can write things like: (step-subst '(app (lam x x) y)) ; evaluates to y ; Or even: (step-subst '(app (lam x (app x x)) (lam x (app x x)))) ; which yields itself, since taking ; ; (lam x (app x x)) ; ; and applying it to itself causes: ; ; (replace '(app x x) 'x '(lam x (app x x))) ; ; which is, of course, (app (lam x (app x x)) (lam x (app x x))) again. ; There's a problem, though: this function only steps once. In theory, we'd ; like to write something like this: ; ; (define (eval-subst e) ; (if (done? e) ; e ; (eval-subst (step-subst e)))) ; ; but it's not so clear how to write that done? predicate. In fact, to do so ; we'll have to introduce the notion of a "normal form", and then repeatedly ; step our evaluator until we reach a normal form... but that can wait for ; next time. Thanks for reading :) ; [1]: Specifically, it has identical meaning because it is alpha-equivalent ; to the previous example, or because the two forms can be renamed into ; each other. ; $#t Lambda Calculus ; $#s An introduction to the lambda calculus, given as a Scheme program ; $#o computer-science, scheme ; $#u d487d730-dc30-4010-9aca-d00762b0b08c