;;; Fennel for Advent ; ; This file is a Fennel program; you can run it with: ; fennel thispost.txt ; ;; Advent (of Code) ; ; Advent of Code is a yearly programming / CS / math contest. Each day from ; December 1 to December 25, there's a new puzzle with two parts, and there ; is a global leaderboard of who finished the parts more quickly. I don't ; generally go for the leaderboard, but I still try to do the puzzles as they ; come out. You can read more at https://adventofcode.com :) ; ;; Fennel ; ; Fennel is a Lisp that compiles into Lua. You can read more about it at ; https://fennel-lang.org. ; ; Here are a few example examples of how Fennel looks in use. Notice that you ; don't directly iterate over tables - instead, you use either ipairs or pairs, ; which iterate over the contiguous integer keys or all keys respectively. This ; is because of a quirk of Lua's design: tables are a combination of integer- ; indexed vector and scalar-indexed map, and which part of that combination you ; are using can vary. This can sometimes be pretty useful. ; ; Here's an example: we take in a list and use ipairs to walk its vector part, ; accumulating the intermediate values into s by repeatedly evaluating (+ s e). ; The _ in [s 0 _ e (ipairs list)] is actually used to bind the (integer) index ; of e in the table, but because we don't need it here we use _ to ignore it. (fn sum [list] (accumulate [s 0 _ e (ipairs list)] (+ s e))) ; This function demonstrates two of Fennel's features: one of the arguments is ; destructured, and then we use match to case on the direction. In fact, match ; has a lot more capability than we're using here - it can destructure and ; match parts of the value, which came in handy quite a few times. (fn move [[x y] dir] (match dir :up [x (- y 1)] :down [x (+ y 1)] :left [(- x 1) y] :right [(+ x 1) y] _ (error "puzzling dir " dir))) ; This function relies on the fact that in Lua, nil cannot appear as a value in ; tables, because it used to mark non-presence in the vector part and to delete ; values in the map part. That means that, for example, the common filter ; function from Lisp can be expressed like this, using icollect: (fn filter [list f] (icollect [_ v (ipairs list)] (if (f v) v nil))) ; And the familiar map function also looks very similar: (fn map [list f] (icollect [_ v (ipairs list)] (f v))) ; Fennel also has a composition mechanism, in the form of -> and the related ; operators. This is *syntactic* composition, so it has some limitations that ; we'll get into later, but it can be quite useful. Fennel also has a shorthand ; syntax for anonymous functions: #(...) produces a lambda with arguments bound ; to $1, $2, and so on. This is very convenient but relies on another limitation ; of Fennel that I'll talk about below as well - namely that functions have no ; definite arity, like in shell. The fact that -> does syntactic splicing means ; that some argument orders for functions are "better" than others because they ; are more amenable to splicing with -> or ->>. (fn sum-of-even-squares [list] (-> list (map #(* $1 $1)) (filter #(= (% $1 2) 0)) sum)) ;; Fennel for Advent of Code ; ; Alright, enough Fennel examples - let's get into what's good and bad about it ; as an Advent of Code language specifically, and then into what I like and ; dislike about Fennel. ; ;; Good things for Advent of Code: ; ; * Fennel is extremely flexible so it's a superb language for quick ; prototyping and iteration ; * Tables are pretty powerful and you can often fit your data into the right ; shape to use one ; * Mutation is available, which is sometimes indispensable for efficient ; solutions ; * The usual dynamic typing advantages: good runtime reflection, debuggability, ; etc ; * Lua's string library, while tiny, is quite powerful and was totally fine for ; all the parsing I needed to do ; ;; Bad things for Advent of Code, most of which are inherited from Lua: ; ; * Lua's math stack, when numbers exceed somewhere around 2**46, falls back to ; IEEE754 doubles instead of to slower bignums. This can cause silent loss of ; precision, and in particular useful arithmetic properties like, say, ; x + 1 > x can suddenly stop holding without any warning. That's a logical ; result of using floating-point math like this but for Advent of Code having ; bignums instead would be a way better default. ; * Lua tables are combination vector/maps, and in particular they *don't* have ; the O(1) head-removal behavior you might be used to from other Lisps. That ; makes them quite slow if you try to use them for BFS queues, which I did. ; * Lua tables don't allow composite keys - the key always has to be a single ; scalar. For Advent this is very annoying, since you very often want to make ; tables that are keyed on a 2-tuple or 3-tuple of integers; Lua's use of ; scalar keys forces you to either find an integer encoding scheme that works ; for the specific problem (bearing in mind the lurking loss of precision) ; or serialize all your keys into strings, which is pricey. You can work ; around this by giving a table custom indexing behavior, at the cost of ; putting some Lua code on the hot path of every index into the involved ; table - and your custom indexing function still has to do one of the same ; hacks, just in a way that is invisible to you. ; * Fennel's error messages can be pretty sparse; in particular, assertion ; failures don't tell you which assertion failed (although you do get a ; line number) and other problems like nil dereferences only sometimes ; tell you which thing was being dereferenced. This can make debugging more ; of a pain than it has to be. ; ;; General Fennel Thoughts ; ; Fennel is now one of my favorite languages, and I've started using it for ; other non-Advent fun programming. It feels great to work in and I like a lot ; of its aesthetic choices. There are a couple of quirks of it that I don't ; like, but overall I am super pleased with it and plan to keep writing a bunch ; of it :) ; ; The quirks I don't like are: ; ; * When I say that -> is syntactic composition, what I mean is that this: ; (-> foo (bar 1) (baz :z) quxx) ; is rewritten syntactically into this: ; (quxx (baz (bar foo 1) :z)) ; That is, each form is spliced in as the first function argument of the ; following form. That means that you can't do this, for example: ; (-> foo ... #(+ $1 $2) ...) ; because the -> macro tries to splice the previous form into the #(...), ; which breaks it. If -> instead meant *semantic* composition, that should ; work fine. ; ; * Functions have no arity. Even very dynamically typed languages usually do ; arity-checking, because a) it's easy and b) it catches a lot of mistakes. ; Scheme, Python, and a bunch of other very dynamic languages still check ; function arity. In Fennel, this checking isn't done; arguments the called ; function doesn't want are simply ignored, and missing arguments are filled ; in with nils. This can create hard-to-debug problems where a function is ; called without an argument, then a nil is passed several layers down the ; stack before being dereferenced as a table. Ouch. It *does* mean that it's ; very easy to do optional arguments in Fennel, though, and I developed a ; pattern like: (fn dostuff [needed1 needed2 optional1 optional2] (assert needed1) (assert needed2) (var optional1 (or optional1 :default)) (var optional2 (or optional2 :default))) ; * There's no way to constrain a table's keys to a fixed set - read references ; to a missing key return nil, and write references just create a new key. It ; is possible to deal with this by adding a metamethod on the table to ; override key accesses, but again you pay in execution time for adding some ; Lua code to the hot path for every table access. It would be nice if there ; were a way in the runtime to freeze the set of a table's keys and have ; attempted accesses to other keys cause errors. ; ; * Strings are a little bit table-like, in that the '#' function works on ; them, but not enough table-like, in that the 'ipairs' function doesn't work ; on them. I'm not sure why. ; ; * You have to use mutation to handle large data structures efficiently. The ; compiler and interpreter don't have any notion of copying a table, which ; means that a) you have to open-code copies and, more annoyingly, b) the ; interpreter can't tell that you are copying something whose last reference ; is going away immediately after and elide the expensive copy. For example, ; consider this functional update function: (fn update [table index f] (icollect [i v (ipairs table)] (if (= i index) (f v) v))) ; There's no way for the compiler to "know" that I'm creating a mostly ; identical copy of the input table and reuse the old one instead, which means ; that if I write, say: (fn double-even-indexes [table] (var t table) (for [i 2 (# table) 2] (set t (update t i #(* $1 2)))) t) ; That function ends up having to create a whole bunch of intermediate copies ; of the table as I progressively insert new elements into it. That cost makes ; functional updates like this very painful, so instead efficient Fennel code ; has to use mutation. ; ; That said, all of those are pretty minor annoyances, all things considered, ; and Fennel has a few huge virtues in my book: ; * Destructuring ; * Pattern matching ; * Small size & portability because of targeting Lua ; * Reasonable performance with LuaJIT ; ; So I'll definitely be using Fennel again, and I'll probably use it for Advent ; next year too :D ; ; As always, thanks for reading! (local testresults [ (= 20 (sum [2 4 6 8])) (let [p (move [0 0] :up)] (and (= 0 (. p 1)) (= -1 (. p 2)))) (= 3 (# (filter [1 2 3 4 5 6] #(= (% $1 2) 0)))) (= 20 (sum-of-even-squares [1 2 3 4])) (= 16 (sum (double-even-indexes [1 2 3 4]))) ]) (each [i r (ipairs testresults)] (assert r i)) (print (.. (# testresults) " tests ok")) ; $#t Fennel for Advent ; $#s Experiences doing Advent of Code 2022 in Fennel, a tiny Lisp that ; $#s compiles to Lua ; $#o lisp, lua, programming ; $#u f7ebd45d-24a6-4c50-bd86-b9d703e1bc80